How to make Mango Sorbetes Recipe.
Best Mango Sorbetes Recipe. The super easy Filipino ice cream recipe, super creamy, very smooth and super delicious mango sorbetes. A five ingredient recipe that’s sure will give you a hundred reasons to smile, chill and relax on a super hot summer day.
Mango Sorbetes Ingredients:
- 4 pcs. ripe mangoes, sliced and meat scraped
- 2 packs (250ml) nestle cream, chilled
- ½ cup sweetened condensed milk
- A pinch of salt
- Rice crispies, to garnish (optional)
Cooking Procedure:
- To prepare the sorbetes, wash mangoes and slice discard the pits to avoid the fibers. Scrape the mango meat using a teaspoon or a shred peeler and place it on a desired pan, preferably with a plastic cover. Add in 2 packs (@250ml each pack) of chilled nestle cream, ½ cup sweetened condensed milk and a pinch of salt.
- Mix the mango mixture with an electric mixer until smooth and incorporated. Taste test the mango mixture if you wish to be a little bit sweeter just add in the remaining sweetened condensed milk and whisk again until well blended. You can do it manually with a whisk if you want but I find it easy to use a hand mixer.
- Cover with a plastic or anything and freeze until partially set about an hour or less. Take off from the freezer and mix it again with the electric mixer until smooth, cover and freeze for another hour. Again do it one more time and freeze until it is ready to be served. Use an ice cream scoop, serve it in a dessert glass and sprinkle with rice crispies on top and enjoy your sorbetes.
It is a great way to preserve nearly over ripe mangoes before it rottens. This sorbetes “sherbet” method is a great way of preserving and making different variations of sorbetes such as macapuno, ube, cheese, vanilla and etc…
If you want your ice cream to have a chunks of mangoes, you can add half cup of shred or cubed mangoes after the last mixing and freeze it until it’s ready to be served. Just realize that I forgot to put some, mine looks like a cheese sorbet.